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New Year's Eve Party

It's time to start planning your New Year's Eve night out for 2022. If you fancy an evening with some quizzing fun, a hog roast supper, live band and lots of laughs, we have the perfect night lined up for you with our On The Red Carpet Party!

We will kick the evening off at 7pm, with the first round of our fun film-themed quiz to get things off the ground. We'll then serve up your hog-roast supper (veggie option also available), which will include some delicious slow-cooked pulled pork (or pulled jack-fruit), stuffing and apple sauce in a soft white bap with chips on the side. We will continue with some more quiz rounds, including some help from our live band, The Bone Idols, who will be with us for the evening. Once you are fed, watered and we have crowned our winning quizzing team, the band will take over with a fabulous set of great dancing tunes to take us to midnight. A glass of bubbly on us will be in your hand ready for the countdown. And there will of course be more music and dancing when we're into 2023!

We're providing all of this for just £20 per person, to include your food, all the entertainment and your table for the evening.

To make it even more fun, we're running a fancy-dress theme of characters from the movies - (although it is optional!) So think back to the best red-carpet moments and who you would like to come as. Prizes will be awarded to the best dressed.

To get your table booked, please call us on 01805 625313, or book online via our contact us page. We will then get your details and organise payment to confirm your place!

Don't forget as well we are very happy to allow campers overnight in our car park, so if you have a second home on wheels, let us know and we will make sure you have a space for the night.

Let's make this New Year's Eve one to remember for all the right reasons - affordable fun with friends!

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