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Latest update: grocery service and decision on takeaways

Hi all, another update from us, as things change daily and we keep up!

So, we have made the decision to NOT do a takeaway service from the Bell Inn for the foreseeable future. This is for a couple of reasons: a) we don't want to encourage people to come out and about unless absolutely necessary (and sadly our lovely food is not!) and b) if the service became popular, we may have to ask our staff to come back in, which is not where we want to be at present, as they are not essential/key workers.

If any point it looks likely we can relax this, we will. We are still offering our remaining beer stocks for takeaway for £2.50 per pint. We feel this is safer, as you can bring your own container and sanitise the outside of this thoroughly when you get it home. Please call before you come to get any, so we can make sure we're able to get the filled containers to you whilst maintaining social distancing.

However, we are planning to help the community during the virus where you need ESSENTIAL provisions. With this in mind, with the help of the Covid-19 response volunteers, we're offering a grocery service. We know running the gauntlet at the supermarket is not ideal and getting a delivery slot is hard at the moment. We have therefore worked with some of our regular suppliers to provide a list of items we can get, which includes:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables

  • Bread, milk, cheese and eggs

  • Meat

  • Store cupboard staples such as flour, sugar and pasta

  • Non-food items such as cleaning products and the ever-elusive toilet roll!

Our suppliers can deliver daily for most items, weekly for others. We are able to take orders over the phone via the Pub or Monkleigh Garage. We can take payment over the phone and then get your items to you either by delivering via our group of volunteers, or collection from the pub. If the latter, we will give you a collection time, so we can maintain social distancing and also control the process by bringing the items outside and leaving them for you to pick up without coming into direct contact.

A leaflet will be delivered through your door soon - our volunteers are busy working on this as I type. If you would like to place an order (available every day apart from Sundays) please contact either The Bell Inn or Monkleigh Garage on 01805 938285 or 01805 623157.

For all other support, please call Charlotte Boundy, on the number provided on the yellow Covid 19 response card you should have received through your door, as she is co-ordinating the help via the volunteers involved.

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